Monday, February 28, 2011

Funny school story

Did you know that Joseph Stalin is from the COUNTRY of Mississippi?

I will leave you to ponder on that until I have the energy to elaborate!

-> Originally posted Feb of March 13, I still don't have the energy to really tell the whole story. Suffice to say, when asked what country Joseph Stalin was from, one of my wonderful - but clearly misinformed - students stated that he was from Mississippi. Oh the wonders of 6th grade.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

New Goal

Ok well my other two goals have been going really well (read here and here to get caught up).

I am starting to become an adult...FINALLY as my mom would say! Now I don't know another goal for this next week. I think I should test out these two goals for another week. (This will also solve the problem of not having a goal.)

Ideas for new goals are welcome. Especially from those people that are already adults!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Goal #2

Alrighty so goal #1 was a hit! I will definitely be doing my best to keep up with that goal. One thing that helped me with this goal was deciding the night before if I wanted to sleep in an extra 15 or 20 minutes and then I set my alarm for that time and felt way more refreshed than I would have been hitting the snooze 3 or 4 times! A 3-hour delay on Thursday didn't hurt one bit either! Also, by keeping my bed made, I have naturally kept the floor and closet more tidy as well. Especially my bookshelves which can be my dropping off place for all manner of things. I have been putting things away! I am growing up! :( or is it :)?

So on to my new goal for this week.

I am going to eat all meals at home at the kitchen table! I have lived here with my brand new table for a year and a half and use it more as a place to leave my purse or mail or do schoolwork or all kinds of things but not very often do I actually use it to eat my meals. The couch is generally my choice spot - I can watch tv and use the computer at the same time. I tried the table the other day and found that there is a seat that I can sit in and still see the tv comfortably should I try to use that excuse as a reason not to sit at the table.

I think this goal will go along with keeping my bed made to making me into a more civilized adult. It also helps me to not be so lazy! I am not saying I won't eat at the couch - a girl has to snack every once in a while but actual meals, especially those that require utensils, will be eaten at the table. I think I will start tonight with dinner - since I definitely ate my lunch sitting on the couch while checking email and Facebook!

New question. What to have for dinner?

Wish me luck with my new goal!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

God's Peace

Today I have delighted in God. Through spending time in His Word and listening to teaching of His Word I have felt some of His Peace.

I am currently working through a Beth Moore study called Breaking Free and it has exposed some areas in my life that have held me captive, areas that have kept me from knowing God and His Peace. I also listened to a sermon from Mark Driscoll Fall: God Judges that showed me how my sin and the sin of those before me has broken my relationship with God. Even though there is a brokenness, God sent His Son Jesus to bind up our wounds and heal us of our brokenness. All you have to do is truly be repentant of your sins and through God's grace, your slate is washed clean. By no means does this suppose that your life will be a cake walk - because it definitely won't - but how can you NOT find peace in the knowledge that He is watching out for you in everything?

I have a loving God that does not bring pain and turmoil into my life but uses the pain in my life to bring me to Him; to make me more like Him; to give me something greater than anything I can find here on Earth. God's love is AWESOME. Not awesome like a new book or new outfit but AWESOME like I can't fathom it. Or as would say an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like.

My prayer is for you to find peace in the AWESOME God!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A New Goal for the Week

Well I spent the afternoon cleaning the apartment - sweeping, swiffering, fan blade dusting, bookself dusting, laundry, dishes, bedroom, living room, dining nook, kitchen, laundry room, study, bathroom - not a place (except Christina's room/bathroom - that's all you my friend) left untouched!

So I have decided to have a goal for this week and see how it works out to make a new one each week while still maintaining those from past weeks. Anyway, I'll see how it goes.

Back to my goal. This week my goal is to wake up with my alarm clock on the first time and make my bed every morning. (I guess this really equates to two goals but I always like to dive head-first, all gung-ho in my new adventures. Why not this one too?)

Many of you may be saying these are easy/lame goals. Not for me.

Normally I let the snooze go 5-6 times and sometimes I run out of snooze times and my phone tells me I must get up because the alarm will not go off anymore this morning! Not only does that make me sad, I haven't really gotten any more rest dealing with the alarm every 5 minutes for the past 35 than I would have had I gotten up the first time. So, why not add a bit of extra time to my morning? Did I mention my alarm starts going off at 5:15 AM every weekday morning? Hence the 'not easy' part.

The second part of my goal - to make my bed - is really for looks rather than anything else. I really like the way my room looks after I have just cleaned it. It looks REALLY good! Everything is in its place (or at least tucked away somewhere so no one can see it) and organized. Normally my thought is, I am just going to sleep in it again tonight. What's the use of making it? Well, the use is that it looks nice and since I am getting up on time, I will have time to do it!

The key to making this goal a reality is to get up, not just wake up, but GET UP when the alarm goes off and make the bed right then. I will be less likely tempted to crawl back into the snuggly warmth. I say less likely tempted because it is 5:15 in the morning for goodness' sake!

Anyway, off to bed so that I have a good chance of fulfilling these goals on Day #1!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil. 4:13

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Why am I so lazy?

I can't even write this post right now. Tired! Carolina basketball! Bed!

the end.