Saturday, February 12, 2011

God's Peace

Today I have delighted in God. Through spending time in His Word and listening to teaching of His Word I have felt some of His Peace.

I am currently working through a Beth Moore study called Breaking Free and it has exposed some areas in my life that have held me captive, areas that have kept me from knowing God and His Peace. I also listened to a sermon from Mark Driscoll Fall: God Judges that showed me how my sin and the sin of those before me has broken my relationship with God. Even though there is a brokenness, God sent His Son Jesus to bind up our wounds and heal us of our brokenness. All you have to do is truly be repentant of your sins and through God's grace, your slate is washed clean. By no means does this suppose that your life will be a cake walk - because it definitely won't - but how can you NOT find peace in the knowledge that He is watching out for you in everything?

I have a loving God that does not bring pain and turmoil into my life but uses the pain in my life to bring me to Him; to make me more like Him; to give me something greater than anything I can find here on Earth. God's love is AWESOME. Not awesome like a new book or new outfit but AWESOME like I can't fathom it. Or as would say an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like.

My prayer is for you to find peace in the AWESOME God!

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