Saturday, June 25, 2011


I don't have time or the desire right now to tell you all about my trip so far to Russia.  I did want to give you a quick update.  I arrived in Moscow last Sunday and stayed there for 2 days and then we traveled 3ish hours to the northeast to the Golden Ring.  We stopped shortly in Vladimir and then continued on to Suzdal - a former capital of Kievan Rus/Russia although most people back home, including me, have never heard of it.  Our time in Suzdal and surrounding areas has been great and tomorrow we prepare for our overnight train ride to St. Petersburg!  I am very excited for the next few days.

More updates and pictures are to come once I get home and have stable internet and lots of rest!

До свидания!
 [dah svee-dah-nee-yah]

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