Monday, May 24, 2010

Cinnamon rolls for dinner!

So today was a REALLY long day! The kids are getting SUPER crazy and disrespectful and antsy and ridiculous and my patience is soooooooo gone that I like to pretend that if I ignore them, they will go away - but still not kill each other. This I am afraid does not work - though it doesn't really make it worse either.

This is EOG week and that means that although I don't really have to plan or teach super great lessons the kids are required to sit and be silent for 4 hours for 3 days because of the tests. That chaos and ridiculousness following said testing.

That being said, and my desperate need for groceries, I ended up at Wal-Mart this afternoon. Going in I was just thinking about getting a few random things that I needed on my list - milk, bagels, bread, cotton balls, a pack of gum - not much but THEN I saw the sign for the book aisle on my way to the milk and I could.not. resist myself. I went down the aisle and just started throwing books in. OK so I didn't just throw them in, I looked at the picture on the front cover and then read the back of the book, and THEN threw them into the cart. I ended up with 7 books by the time I was done. I actually had to resist the urge to throw more in.

Anyway so after loading up on books, I went back to my original plan and got some food. I ended up with all of the other stuff - PLUS chips and french onion dip, Rice Krispy Treats cereal (so excited!), and lots of 88 cent frozen dinners. I also ended up CINNAMON ROLLS!!!! Instead of waiting for some weekend morning to make them, I decided I wanted them today, tonight, for dinner and so I made them. Now...I am going to spend the rest of my evening watching TV and eating my cinnamon rolls with a wonderful glass of milk!

Even on the really bad days I realize that some things about grown up life are good!

I am also encouraged by the bookmark that fell out of my book today:
I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

1 comment:

Christina said...

dang why couldn't you have made these delicious goodies while i was at HOME?! :D