Friday, January 20, 2012

Liar, Liar Pants On Fire

Ok blog readers...I again apologize for the lack of communication on my part.  And I totally lied when I said I had nothing to tell you about.  I knew I was lying to you but I did it anyway.  And then my mom called me out on the lie so this is me repenting and desperately asking for your forgiveness.  I actually have some VERY exciting stuff going on in my life but I just didn't really know how to tell you about it.

We don't have a whole lot of pictures yet so this will suffice for now.
Distraction from blog #1: This has been my biggest distraction for the past four months...I have a man in my life!  His name is Jeremy and he is really really great!  We met through a lady that I work with whose kids go to the Rec center that he supervises.  Long story short our mutual acquaintance didn't really know either of us that well but it turns out that we have ALL KINDS of stuff in common.  It is a little strange/weird/both of those words tend to have bad connotations so we will go with "uncanny" how much we have in common.  A great thing about him is that he and my best friend have become pretty good friends and can hang out with each other watching football on Sunday and neither one gets upset when I take an hour nap on the couch.  They just talk it up...I am actually glad that they have each other to talk to about football because when it is just me and one of them watching football, they do a lot of talking and I do a lot of head nodding and half smiling!  My family also loves him and finds all kinds of reasons/excuses to see him or have me bring him home.  I met a lot of his family over Thanksgiving and they are so welcoming and sweet.  This whole experience has been a bit overwhelming for me and at points seems completely unreal how comfortable and normal (yet at the same time SO different and exciting and fun and AWESOME) this way of life has become for me.

Distraction from blog #2: School DUN DUN DUN  This year has been SUPER crazy for me.  I think I have gone on a rant about all of the crazy jobs and stuff that I am responsible for this year.  I believe you can get caught up on all of that here.  I even went on and on about how that had caused a delay in September so yeah...definite distraction.  But now that I have Distraction #1, Distraction #2 gets to take a back seat!!!  Muahahahaha take that school!

Distraction from blog #3: Allllllllllllllright so really I don't have other distractions that are keeping me from my blog. #1 is really the only legit thing WONDERFULLY taking up lots of my time.  But, there are lots of other things going on in my life that I will briefly mention here and hopefully getting around to posting more about them in the very near future.

- I got to see Lion King and Beauty & the Beast in 3D.  They are two of my favorite Disney movies and I got to see both with my incredible guy.  Lion King was on the 1st date...definitely a good sign!!!
- I am actively involved in two Journey Groups (sort of like small groups) at my church. One is people - guys and girls - my age and we meet on Sunday morning before worship and the other is women of all ages - 17+ - and we complete different Bible studies from Beth Moore.  Both are great groups and have helped me grow a lot in the last year/year and a half.
- Everyone in my family and most of my friends have smart phones and I do not.  Sad day for this girl and her tiny tiny budget.
- Today was the end of the 2nd Quarter and 1st Semester of school.  Half way to SUMMER!!!!!
- Girls' soccer starts in February - only a few weeks away.

I can't think of anything else but I know Laura will be very satisfied that I gave a list with a semi-nice number. Ok, so I thought I gave a list of five things and then I recounted and saw that it was six so maybe she won't like it too much.  Uh oh!  Anyway...for those of you less concerned about the number of things in a list I hope you enjoyed the very brief recap of my life.  And that you forgive me for lying to you in my last post.

Until I get the notion to write again...


Ok so on second thought there are only 5 things in the list but a formatting issue and a hyphen in one of the thoughts made me think it was six ideas.  Great!  


Laura said...

There are only five things...which is good. You are right.

Brandi said... must have just been the way one of the hyphens landed on the side of the screen when I was typing...I would normally fix the thought in the post but I think I might leave it...maybe add a side note at the end.