Friday, December 30, 2011

Whoa! Sorry!

Ok people...first of all I want to apologize for the 2 month hiatus I took from blogging.  I guess I just haven't had any random experiences that I have found worth embarrassing myself on the internet about!

As the year draws to a close I figured I should do something to recap the year but now that I think about it, there isn't much to tell that hasn't already been stated...

I could make a list of my resolutions for the new year but I have never been known to make and/or keep said resolutions so I don't think that will work either...

Alright so I have just lost my inspiration to continue writing...yikes, not good...that only took about 10 minutes!  Basically I wanted to write to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you...all 3 of you...I just haven't had the time/inspiration/patience to sit down and write.

One resolution for the new year...keep you better updated on the happenings of my life.

I hope you had a fantastic Christmas spent with family and friends and that you have a wonderful and safe time celebrating this year and bringing in the new one!  Lots of love is being sent to all of you!

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