Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Well...I just got a look and an eye-roll from this girl sitting next to me because I haven't posted anything new on my blog since I started it Saturday. Well, nothing has really happened in my life recently that I thought was worth my time to write or your time to read.

My friend got an email from someone...one of those dumb forward things that I usually let pile up in my inbox until I have time to read. Anyway, it was a 1st grade teacher who gave her students the first half of famous proverbs and they were asked to fill in the rest of the saying. Some of my favs are:

- Don't bite the hand that...looks dirty.

- A miss is as good as a...Mr.

- A penny saved is...not much.

And the one that I think is the funniest yet do not believe a 1st grader came up with it:
- Better late than...pregnant!

HAHAHA! Hope you had a smile for the day!

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