Tuesday, August 2, 2011

'Cause I Want It That Way!

Oh my goodness!!!!!  How could I have forgotten to tell you about my adventure to see NKOTBSB?  Let me just tell you, it was amazing.  I am sure I lost several cool points with some of you but I actually have way more cool points than any of you can count!  I turn into a 12 year old without even trying!  The lights went out and the smoke came on and I screamed and squealed like they were going to hear me above everyone else!
New Kids on the Block
Backstreet Boys
They were like right there!
At one point Brian totally waved just to me!  Eye contact was made.
There was this little girl there that had a shirt on that said "I learned to walk by listening to Step by Step".  She had blond hair in pigtails and it was super cute.  But then there were these cougar ladies in front of us that were super dressed up like they were going to a cocktail party.  And then they left every 15 or so minutes so they could get more alcoholic drinks while I was screaming and belting out the songs and taking a hundred pictures.

All-in-all it was fantastic and if you don't get a chance to see them then I feel really sorry for you!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I can't stop giggling 1. because you are funny 2. because those cougars were totes ridic 3. because I'm so darn excited just recalling the magic that was NKOTBSB. For real. EEeeeeEEEEeeeeEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee!!!!!