Thursday, November 18, 2010

Oh Addison

Well...this isn't a new story but something made me think about it today and make me smile so I thought I'd share.

My niece is 2 and does all kinds of little kid "tricks." One trick is making animal sounds. My dad will say "what sound does a ... make?" And she answers with the sound. Here is what a "conversation" like this sounds like.

D: Addison, what sound does a dog make?
A: rooof rooof
D: What sound does a horse make?
A: naaaaaay naaaaaay
D: What sound does a duck make?
A: Aflac Aflac

NO JOKE!!! That is what she thinks a duck sounds like!!!

HAHAHAHA! I saw an Aflac sign and it made me think of that. Enjoy!

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